Pava Cashmere was born from a feeling, a feeling of wanting to somehow help, to make a difference in the world, to celebrate LOVE.

During a trip to Nepal, we fortuitously stumbled upon a wonderful local manufacturer of very fine cashmere. Seeing the beautiful quality of wool and hearing about how this particular company lovingly gives back not only to their community through various programs, but to their own employees and their children, inspired a commitment to support their good work.

Supporting businesses in emerging markets is something that we at Pava Cashmere passionately incorporate into all that we do. By helping others  prosper, it provides an opportunity for stability, access to financial resources which in turn allows these companies  to better their lives and the lives of those around them. We see this manifested not only through education, better housing and clean drinking water, but also the  sense of belonging and usefulness , which we all need in this world. We believe together we can all make a difference in this world!

We love helping people feel good about themselves, about how they look, with what they are wearing. . We at Pava Cashmere are committed to delivering cashmere of the highest quality, at a price that is affordable to most budgets. We are committed to  ethically sourcing our materials and within our manufacturing process, ensuring we are respecting local communities and the environment.

We know you will feel amazing wrapped up in exquisite cashmere! It is so deliciously soft, warm and inviting with a beautiful elegance and timelessness; truly a signature piece you will cherish for years to come.

Your purchase  helps communities and enriches lives,creating feelings of connectedness and love. It is our hope that by wearing and sharing our wonderful pieces, that you will feel as cared for and as loved as the many people you have helped give care and love to. Together we can co-create a caring world!